
At Honolulu Furniture Company, we understand the importance of creating customized furniture solutions that align with our commercial clients' brand identities, functional requirements, and budgetary considerations.

With our commitment to quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, and personalized service, we strive to exceed the expectations of our commercial clients and deliver furniture solutions that elevate their spaces and enhance their businesses.


AlohaCare Board Room Table

20’ x 4.5’ board room table made of two matching, locally grown, monkeypod slabs to seat 18-20 people. Two cable boxes for plugging in devices in the center of each side. Let there be creative meetings.


Lawson Corporate Office. 

Made of reclaimed building materials + stainless steel legs these pre-fabricated pieces are styling in a mid-century modern look. 


Chapel Hats

We had the pleasure to built out all their 7 stores on the islands. All the pieces are made of reclaimed building materials like shutter doors for the sides of the fixtures, shelving made of gym flooring and rough cut douglas fir for the check out counter. If you are interested in visiting the stores in person please click here for their locations. 

Silhouette Studio

Tables are made of locally grown monkeypod trees in combination with stainless steel legs. The sidebar which is housing all the essentials of the office is made of a painted frame with laminated monkeypod doors. 

Starbucks UH Manoa

The cladding for the counters is made of a Banyan tree. The tree used to be in the space where the new campus center was built. Because of the history of the tree UH wanted parts of the tree to live on. The countertops are made of locally grown eucalyptus.